Why Take Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a must take notrient to maintain good health and well-being. Man, through the ages, lost the capacity of his body to produce its own Vitamin C. Therefore, man has to get it from food. When life on earth was simple, good sources of Vitamin C was not a problem.
However, as progress came in, changes in the environment, ways of farming, food processing and cooking,made amount of Vitamin C in food very low if not zero. These situations require us now to take Vitamin C in the form of supplements.
Due to our presents lifestyle, there is a big gap between what our body needs and the amount it is getting in terms of Vitamin C. This result in the development of more chronic degenerative diseases even among the young. People, in order to attend to these health concerns, are now moving away from drug based therapies and more towards natural remedies.


1 Response to "Why Take Vitamin C?"

Keith said... August 28, 2010 at 6:36 PM

there is plenty of vitamin c in fresh citrus, calamansi, bell peppers, fresh chili peppers... Vitamin c can be found if u want it